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Minerva Local School District

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Minerva Local School District's Transporation Department Facebook Page

Year after year, the Minerva Local School District has provided transportation to all students living within the school district’s boundaries.  The intent and purpose of the Board of Education policies and procedures is to provide safe, reliable and efficient transportation service to all eligible students.  The guidelines for the transportation of students are covered by the Ohio Pupil Transportation Operation and the Safety School Rules as adopted by the Ohio Department of Education.

Our staff is committed to providing a safe, reliable, efficient service to our students, staff and our community.  The Minerva Local School District covers 81 square miles throughout Stark, Carroll and Columbiana Counties.  The transportation department operates 14 daily bus routes that transport over 1,200 students.  Our buses travel a total of 236,000 miles a year with a fuel cost of $151,000.

Please have your children at the bus stop 5 to 10 minutes prior to the approximate bus arrival time and dressed appropriately for inclement weather conditions.  Children must be able to keep all of their carry-on items (including band instruments) safely on their lap during bus transportation.

You may reach our transportation department by calling (330) 868-4222.  Our bus garage hours during the school year are:  6 a.m. to 5 p.m.  If your call is not answered immediately, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we can.

Loading and Unloading Students

  • Always remain in direct eyesight of the bus driver
  • Get to the bus stop at least 10 minutes before your assigned time
  • Take 10 giant steps back from the curb while waiting for the bus and 10 steps when exiting the bus
  • Never try to get anything left on the bus after exiting
  • Never reach underneath the bus
  • Always follow the driver’s directions for how to cross the street
  • Be alert to traffic and look both ways
  • Always cross in front of the bus, but only when the driver signals it is safe to do so

Student Pickup

At the beginning of each school year, there is a minimum of a 15 minute window for the school bus to arrive.  After the first several weeks of school the bus will be on a regular schedule and times may only vary a little depending upon traffic, mechanical breakdown or other unforeseen delays.

Students are expected to be waiting at the designated bus pickup location five minutes prior to the arrival of the school bus.  The bus picking up the students will not wait for students to walk from their home (front porch to the end of driveway/bus stop) or other locations in order to meet the bus.  When a student is not waiting at the bus stop, a delay is created for students riding on the bus later in the route.  Therefore, in order to provide a uniform service to all students, it is necessary for students to be waiting at the bus stop.   Students are obligated to be at the bus stop five minutes prior to the bus arrival.  The school bus will not return to a pickup location for a student that has missed the bus.

If your student has not been regularly using his or her designated bus stop, please contact the transportation office to reactivate the use of your student’s bus location.

Warning Lights

  • Alternating flashing amber (yellow) lights are to be used to warn motorists that the bus is stopping to take on or to discharge passengers.  
  • Alternating flashing red lights are to be used to inform motorists that the bus is stopped on the roadway to take on or discharge passengers.
  • Stop arm shall be operated simultaneously with flashing red signal lights.  A white flashing strobe light, individually switched, may be used, when unfavorable atmospheric conditions or time of day limit visibility (i.e., fog, rain, snow, darkness).
  • Four-way hazard lights shall be activated at railroad crossings and turn-arounds unless prohibited by local ordinance.
  • Headlights should be activated during operation of the school bus.

Video Security Cameras

Video security cameras are installed on buses utilized by the Minerva Local School District.

Unauthorized Passengers

Only students who are eligible for transportation through the Minerva Local School District are permitted on the bus.  If an unauthorized individual enters a school bus, contact will be made with the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Consolidated/Cluster Stops

The school district will establish cluster stops for student’s pickup and drop off.  Students may walk up to .25 miles to these assigned bus stops.  The distance from a bus stop is measured from the established bus stop to the point where the residence driveway intersects the public street.

Bus Evacuation Drills

The school district will conduct bus evacuation drills during the first quarter of each school year for all riders eligible for transportation.

Bus Safety Rules

  • Arrive at the bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive
  • Wait in a location clear of traffic and away from the bus stop at the designated point of safety
  • Behavior at the school bus stop must not threaten life, limb or property of any individual
  • Go directly to an available or assigned seat
  • Remain seated, keeping aisles and exits clear
  • Observe classroom conduct rules and obey the driver promptly and respectfully
  • No eating and drinking on the bus except as required for medical reasons
  • No drugs, alcohol or tobacco, weapons, pets or glass containers are permitted on the bus
  • No throwing or passing objects on to or from the bus
  • All objects students carry onto the bus must fit in their laps
  • Students must board/exit the bus at locations to which they have been assigned unless they have parental, administrative and transportation office authorization
  • Do not put anything outside the bus window
  • You must remain seated on the bus until you arrive at your destination.
  • Any conduct which could endanger others or damage the bus is prohibited
  • Parents are responsible for any damage to the bus by their children
  • Observe rules for crossing the street when exiting or entering the bus, and watch for the bus driver’s hand signals
  • Excessive noise or loud talking is prohibited, especially at  railroad crossings

Lola Lucas - Transportation Coordinator
330-868-4222 ext. 3709