Health Services
Immunizations for School Attendance
When to Keep Your Child HomeMental Health & Addiction Recovery Resources
Medications at School
No medications will be given unless the proper documentation is received
Paperwork expires at the end of each school year
Over-the-counter medication (OTC)
- Must have the Authorization for Non-prescribed Medication form filled out and on file
- Medication must come in the original container/bottle
- Meds brought in a bag/envelope will be disposed of
- Middle & high school students may keep over the counter meds such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and cough drops in their locker as long as the form is on file in the office
Prescription medications
- Must have the Parent Request To Administer A Prescribed Medication form filled out and on file in the clinic/office
- Must have the Licensed Prescriber’s form filled out by their doctor and on file in the office/clinic
- All prescription medications must be brought into the office by a parent
- A staff member will count the number of medications with the parent present
- Staff member and parent will document amount received
- If the dosage changes during the year, the doctor will need to complete a new form with the correct dosage
- Medications will need to be picked up and signed for at the end of the year
- After two weeks, any medication left at school will be discarded
Olivia Scott - Health Services Coordinator
330-868-4011 ext. 2